Our Team


Te Anga Nathan, Kaihautū/ CEO

Te Aupōuri, Ngāti Porou, Waikato

Te Anga Nathan, our founder, has more than 30 years of experience in the media as a journalist, broadcaster, communications executive and funder.

Te Anga can help people and organisations communicate essential messages about significant social issues, brands and projects.

The agency provides strategic communications advice to Māori organisations and helps others navigate the Māori world.

A significant focus is to support game-changing initiatives that normalise the use of te reo Māori throughout Aotearoa and further afield.


Charis McAwesome, Digital Queen

Ngāti Raukawa, Ngāti Maniapoto, Te Arawa

Charis McAwesome is a leading light in the rapidly changing world of social media.

She is a digital and social media specialist working from her current base in Sydney, where she works with a range of businesses and projects, including managing social media advertising for all major restaurant brands in both Australia and New Zealand.

We work together to not only create unique and compelling social media content but strategically sharing that content across social media platforms to effectively engage specific audiences.

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Māui Taewa, Graphic Designer

Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Ngai Tuhoe, Ngāpuhi

Māui Taewa is creative in every sense of the word.

Whether it’s a computer mouse or a chisel, Maui expertly carves both stunning whakairo pieces and inspirational graphic designs.

His work reflects his deep understanding of Māori carving, design and mātauranga Māori.

Maui comes from Tūrangi on the southern shores of Lake Taupō.

There, nestled under the maunga Pihanga, her husband Tongariro, Ngaauruhoe and Ruapehu, is where his inspiration, mana and drive have their genesis.